Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dublin Irish Pub, Gangnam Seoul

Dublin Irish Pub, Gangnam Seoul

Dublin Irish Pub, Gangnam Seoul
ok, it's official. I am not good at taking panorama shoots... 

Dublin Irish Pub, Gangnam Seoul

Dublin Irish Pub, Gangnam SeoulDublin Irish Pub, Gangnam Seoul

용구리랑 강남바닥을 헤매다가 배는 덜고프고 집엔 가기싫고..
충동적으로 들어간 Irish pub, Dublin
근데 완전 대만족! 분위기도 음식도 맥주도 캬캬캬캴

we had fish&chips and beers
love the music there, it was Pink.

Favorite spot for some NACHOS! Gangnam Dos Tacos

Gangnam Dos Tacos

Gangnam Dos Tacos

Gangnam Dos Tacos

Gangnam Dos Tacos

one of my favorite restaurant for Mexican  food! DOS TACOS @gangnam

윙익스트림, 도스타코스, 황소곱창♥

Thursday, May 23, 2013

visited Busan, Gwaganli beach

Busan Korea, 광안리

5월 가정의 달을 맞이하여
어버이날 + 엄마아빠 결혼기념일 겸사겸사
동생이랑 같이 부산가서 가족이랑 하하호호 놀았습니당

it was so much fun with my family!
love my hometown, Busan! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Korea female singer Lee Hyori, released new album 'Bad girl'

이효리 멋지구리!!!!!!
미스코리아 노래가 더 좋지만.. 그래도 여전히 포스팍팍

I prefer 'Miss Korea' Music video, tho...
she looks so gorgeous in both music videos!
Go hyori!!

Korea female singer,  Lee Hyori

Korea female singer,  Lee Hyori

Korea female singer,  Lee Hyori

google blogger re-open, at work

samantha thavasa Tours bag 사만사타바사 투어스 미니 체인 백

구글 아이디 엄청나게 가입해서 블로거 만들어놨는데
아이디랑 비번을 다 까먹고 다시 재탄생!

네이버 블로그 구글 블로거 다 찔끔찔끔 손대긔

2013/5/23 @work
I forgot all my google accounts.. so I joined again and open google blogger!
hope make some good friends here